Art Pearls

My journey in search of pearls through painting and drawing

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Waterlily Series No.7

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It took more than a month to finish this painting. Moreover, I did the last drawing while I took a break from this one. I owe my thanks to my DH for giving me the encouragement to finish off the painting. I skipped the underpainting part while doing the gouache resist. It was difficult to scrub away the white gouache. The watercolor paint was behaving very differently when I painted over the gouache layer. I managed to finish off the waterlily after overcoming the learning curve.

 Leslie, a talented artist,  has  just posted another wonderful gouache resist painting. You will easily fall in love with this technique once you learn how to do it

Waterlily Series No.7
12 by 16 inches on 140# watercolor paper

Written by artpearls

December 1, 2009 at 5:56 pm

Fresh Catch of the Day

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I tried a totally new technique to do this painting. It is Gouache with Ink Resist and then finally you finish off with watercolor. There is a wonderful article in WetCanvas giving a demo on how to do this. The only extra requisitions apart from your regular watercolor supplies are white gouache and waterproof black India ink. You can use this technique to play down the details in your composition and get that wonderful print-like effect.

I did this painting from my reference photo which I took while I was visiting my hometown in South India about five years back. Since I was living along the coastal area, there was no shortage for the availability of seafood. I am basically a seafood lover and these snappers are my personal favorite. They are especially good when you shallow fry in oil after marinating them in hot spices. We bought the fishes from the fishmonger who used to come to our doorstep every weekdays. As the fishes were sitting beside the kitchen sink for the prep, I had a light bulb moment to capture this moment digitally.  After “artistically” arranging the snappers, I snapped the picture with our hired help looking on with an amazed curiosity. When I started painting in watercolor, I wanted to paint a seafood and this photo was on the top of my list. But the chance to paint this materialized only now.

The paper size is 5 by 8 inches. So this is also in miniature format.

P.S :  Visit the artist Kay Robbins’  website to find more inspirational paintings using Gouache and Ink Resist technique.

Fresh Catch of the Day
5 by 8 inches on W&N Cotman 140lb cp watercolor paper

Written by artpearls

October 1, 2009 at 5:57 pm